Balance Disorders


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Labyrinthitis Basics: What is Labyrinthitis

Rarely do we associate a virus with balance problems. We think of the flu, sinus infections, or a computer virus. But viruses CAN affect our balance. A virus that travels through our sinuses and into our inner ear may infect our vestibular system. And the result is a condition called Labyrinthitis.

Inner Ear Infection Causing Vertigo?

Spotting an ear infection isn't difficult. The ear is a sensitive area, which means infections are painful and disruptive. But when the symptoms of your ear infection also include vertigo or some sort of imbalance, the infection likely progressed to your inner ear. Inner ear infections and vertigo are the results of two conditions: Labyrinthitis and Vestibular Neuritis.

Vestibular Disorders And Their Symptoms

Vestibular disorders are among the nearly infinite causes of dizziness. In fact, dizziness is the symptom of nearly everything. But vestibular disorders encompass a very specific source of dizziness: the inner ear. 

14 Meniere’s Disease Questions Answered

You may have led a much more active and less frightening life before sporadic dizzy spells began haunting you. Never knowing when the entire world, or at least your body’s perception of it, would be swept up by a malfunctioning merry-go-round that goes way too fast.

Vestibular Migraine Basics & Treatment

As if it weren’t bad enough to have frequent migraines, on top of a head-splitting headache you now also feel dizzy and disoriented. You can’t wait out the dizziness because your migraine is making things worse. And you can’t find a way to work through your migraine because your spinning head leaves you locked in one place.

Living with Vestibular Migraine – Tips for Travel, Work, Leisure, etc…

Like having a noisy neighbor, living with vestibular migraine is just as much about learning to cope with the “noise” as it is about actually confronting the noise. Ear plugs, soundproofing, a schedule — these are the tools of dealing with a noisy neighbor. Work routines, travel strategies, proper diet, and cognitive resilience — these are the tools of living with vestibular migraine (VM).

10 Vestibular Migraine Questions Answered

If you’ve been getting migraines for years and are now starting to get frequent dizzy spells too, then you may have vestibular migraine. If you’ve never heard of vestibular migraine, then you’re not alone.

Best Ways to Overcome Vestibular Migraine

If you’ve been getting migraines for years and are now starting to get frequent dizzy spells too, then you may have vestibular migraine. If you’ve never heard of vestibular migraine, then you’re not alone.

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome? How is Post-Concussion Dizziness Treated?

In the last 10 years, the world’s understanding of concussions has increased tenfold. While contact sports are still a staple in creating concussions, more and more average people are being checked for concussions following a car accident, a slip-and-fall, or accidental hits to the head.

What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and How is BPPV Treated?

For people with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), the simple act of moving or tipping their head triggers an instant inconvenience to their life. The world spins and there might be a period of disequilibrium and imbalance following the episode.

See how we can help you!

You deserve the time and resources to tell your story; we understand how scary vertigo and dizziness related symptoms can be. Let us provide you an optimal diagnosis and treatment plan to get you better.

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