Dizziness Treatment


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  • Why Am I Dizzy?

Natural Remedies for Dizziness, Vertigo, and General Balance


7 Types of Magnesium Supplements for Vestibular Migraine


Medications for Dizziness


Dizziness 101 – Intro to the Vestibular System

Vertigo Day is the world's first virtual conference dedicated to dizzy patients. In this segment, Dr. Pearce explores the basics of dizziness, types of dizziness, the causes of dizziness, treatment options, and more. Tune and learn all there is to know about our vestibular system and the complexities which create our balance.

How We Treat Dizziness – What To Expect Working with the Dizzy & Vertigo Institute

Vestibular Audiology is a little-known discipline in healthcare. We know that. And it's always been an uphill battle for Vestibular Treatment clinics like ours to educate people on how we're different from ENTs, Neurologists, Physical Therapists, or General Physicians. While all of these doctors can treat a couple of sources of dizziness, only Vestibular Audiologists specialize entirely in how we balance and can fix a lot of vestibular dysfunctions that cause dizziness.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy Guide

You'll be hard-pressed to find any dizziness treatment program that doesn't include Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT). VRT is a customized set of visual and physical therapies designed to alleviate the symptoms of vestibular disorders and other sources of imbalance.

The Diagnosis Conundrum: Why Dizzy Patients Struggle to Get Answers

One of the biggest challenges we face in the vestibular community is overcoming the apprehension that dizzy patients develop over time when they aren't given a solid answer to why they're dizzy. It's not uncommon for dizzy patients to bounce around between 5 or 6 general physicians, audiologists, ENTs, neurologists, chiropractors, and physical therapists in search of answers - never actually receiving the right diagnosis. This drawn-out process can be severely discouraging to dizzy patients. It causes many to lose hope in their chances of getting better. And in the worst-case scenario, they lose hope in the healthcare system to solve their dizziness problem. The simple answer to the dizziness diagnosis shortage is that there aren't enough vestibular specialists out there. Naturally, though, it's a little more complex than that.

Get to Know: 18 Questions with Dr. Pearce & Dr. Nava

Want to know more about the Doctorpreneurs behind the Dizzy & Vertigo Institute? What they have in their fridge at all times? What makes them laugh no matter what? Well here's 18 questions to help you know Dr. Brooke Pearce and Dr. Chelsea Nava a little bit better. (Abbreviated below as DBP and DCN)

How Do You Know if Dizziness is Serious?

It's easy to brush off getting dizzy once or twice. But when dizziness starts coming and going repeatedly, you might start wondering: How do you know if dizziness is serious? Below we'll describe the difference between Peripheral Vertigo vs. Central Vertigo. And what symptoms you should look for to know if your dizziness is serious.

First Aid for Dizziness

When a sudden attack of dizziness happens, it is frightening. Not only for the person experiencing dizziness, but for the people around them too. What can I do to help this person? Although there isn't an exact First Aid for Dizziness process, there are steps one can take to alleviate symptoms and get the proper help.

See how we can help you!

You deserve the time and resources to tell your story; we understand how scary vertigo and dizziness related symptoms can be. Let us provide you an optimal diagnosis and treatment plan to get you better.

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